Reports, Research, and other Useful Resources

Public Libraries Victoria collects a range of information to help us to benchmark, innovate, advocate and deliver the best possible library services to our communities. Our libraries, along with peak bodies like the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA), collate and submit reports, statistics and papers to help us learn and grow. These documents are not only invaluable for library teams across the state; they also help policymakers, funding bodies and the wider community to better understand the value and impact of library operations in Victoria. Together, we can plan for the libraries of the future.

PLV Strategic Plan

Public Libraries Victoria Strategic Plan 2023-27

PLV State Budget Submissions

Delivering Modern Libraries for a Growing Victoria – Victorian Budget Submission 2024/2025

Reports, Indicators, and Surveys

Major reports

PLV annual reports

Annual Surveys & Indicators

2023-2024 Reports

2022-2023 Reports

Earlier Reports, Presentations, Surveys and other Resources

Reports are available from 2010-2021

Libraries for Health and Wellbeing

Libraries for Health and Wellbeing: A Strategic framework for Victorian public libraries towards 2024 (web ready version)

The Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Public Libraries Across Victoria

Submissions to State and Federal Government


List of Consultants  who have worked with libraries on various projects.

Library Buildings and Designs

Papers, Presentations, and Other Resources

Research Reports

Scholarship & Awards (including Ramsay & Reid scholarships)

The State Library of Victoria administers a number of research programs, reflecting its place as a hub for intellectual inquiry and discourse. We award scholarships to promote high standards and leadership in the public library sector. For more information see the SLV website.

Inclusive Work Experience Toolkit  developed as part of the “Our library, our program: a job ready initiative” project/ Whitehorse Manningham Libraries (2020 Pierre Gorman Award)

Other resources

Policies, Statements and Guidelines



NSLA statistics

The Australian Public Libraries Statistical Report is an annual NSLA project that identifies and measures the usage and activities of Australia’s public library services and the services they offer. Reports are available on the NSLA website from 1996-97 onwards.