The inaugural Public Libraries Victoria Conference was held 16-17 September 2019. The conference aimed to “explore, acknowledge and celebrate how Libraries Change Lives” with a packed program of talks from our inspirational keynotes and invigorating presentations from library colleagues from around Australia and across the ditch (New Zealand).
Keynote speakers:
- Matt Finch, former Creative-in-Residence, State Library of Queensland
- Christine Mackenzie, IFLA President-elect, co-founder of the INELI-Oceania program and former CEO Yarra Plenty Regional Library
- Gus Balbontin, Investor, founder and mentor across the start-up ecosystem
- Kirsten Thorpe, Senior Researcher, Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research
- Lynn Spurling, President, Public Libraries SA and Library & Tourism Coordinator, Copper Coast Libraries
PLV Program 2019
MC: Alan Brough, actor, comedian, television host and Libraries Change Lives ambassador.
Entertainment for the Cocktail event: Mama Alto, 2019 Australian LGBTI Awards Music Artist of the Year