Library Pride

Midsumma Pride March is a signature event of the Melbourne’s Midsumma Festival, an annual celebration of queer arts and culture. The Pride March attracts 7,400 marchers, who take to the…

Library Mentoring Program open for applications

State Library Victoria and Public Libraries Victoria have secured places for up to ten public library and State Library staff to participate in a library industry mentoring program between April…

Libraries for Health & Wellbeing Innovation Grants

Applications are invited for the second round of Libraries for Health and Wellbeing Innovation Grants, offered as part of the SLV/PLV collaboration under the banner of the Statewide Public Library…

Public libraries media highlights 2021

The outstanding work of Victoria’s public libraries was recognised in the mainstream media throughout 2021. Here is a selection of highlights. ‘It’s a beautiful scheme’: Seed libraries sprout in suburbs…

Future Public Library Priorities Survey

A recent survey of library users about future public library priorities has confirmed that libraries are people places where books rule. The survey was conducted online and in person in…