The Big Summer Read returns!

Our hugely successful and popular summer reading program for children is returning 1 December 2022 – 31 January 2023. We are working behind the scenes to get web pages ready…

myGov is changing soon

A picture of a computer monitor showing the old website for myGov being peeled back to reveal a new-look myGov website behind it.

Recognising the vital role that libraries play in helping members of their communities to navigate the digital world, the Australian Federal Government through Services Australia has contacted Public Libraries Victoria…

National Science Week 2022 in libraries

August 13-21 marks National Science Week in Australia. There are 58 events listed on the National Science Week website as taking place in public libraries in Victoria during this time….

Victorian Library Makerspace Showcase

Three people are sitting at a table, from left to right, a young woman with a short, dark bob; a man with a beard, whose face is angled toward a whiteboard behind him, and a woman with long dark hair. The woman on the right is gesturing at the whiteboard with a pen. The whiteboard shows marketing in orange pen. On the table in front of the trio is a bunch of black power cords and coloured cables.

A growing number of Victoria’s public libraries offer makerspaces as part of their suite of services but what does it take to be successful? Join Public Libraries Victoria (PLV) and…

Homelessness and the Libraries Project

All public library paid and volunteer staff are invited to complete an anonymous survey about working with people experiencing homelessness or insecure housing. ALIA has endorsed this study, which is…

Seeing Eye Dogs in the library

A smiling woman sits on a couch beside a black labrador wearing a seeing eye dog harness. In the background are shelves stacked with picture books as in a children's library.

Would you like to help someone who is blind or have low vision? You can by raising a Seeing Eye Dogs puppy! A library could be a perfect place for…