
Measuring your energy and water use can help you identify changes to make around the house to reduce your bills and your impact on the environment. Many library services have begun loaning out equipment kits that allow their borrowers to do just that.  Designed to help individuals and households reduce their energy consumption and lower utility costs. These energy saver kits have been catalogued and are available to borrow for free just like any other library item. These innovative kits can contain a comprehensive collection of resources, including books, manuals, and guides along with practical tools such as energy monitors and digital thermometers to gauge heat loss. With the kits community members can learn and make changes to their energy consumption contributing to a more sustainable future.

By aligning with these SDG targets energy saver kits play a crucial role in promoting sustainable energy use,reducing carbon emissions and advancing climate action efforts. They empower individuals and communities to make more sustainable choices and support the transition to a more energy efficient and climate resilient future.