Got a great idea for a community project? Apply for a grant.

The Victorian Women’s Trust (VWT) is looking for innovative social change projects that work to make the world a better place for women, girls, non-binary and gender diverse people.

Who is eligible to apply?

Grant applicants must have charitable status and be endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office for Item 1, Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and Tax Concession Charity (TCC). We can’t fund individuals.

Get in touch with the grants team if you’d like to discuss eligibility.

What do we apply for?

VWT has fifteen Sub-Funds in total, each dedicated to alleviating specific social issues and helping women and girls to thrive. For example:

  • providing educational opportunities for women and girls
  • increasing the safety, security & dignity of older women
  • addressing educational, health and housing needs of Aboriginal women & girls
  • providing educational, employment and other economic opportunities for women from African communities
  • supporting women exiting prison
  • creating pathways out of homelessness for women
  • assisting women recovering from mental illness
  • encouraging young women writers
  • and much more!

If you have a grand idea for a project that may be ‘outside the box’, don’t hesitate to submit an application. VWT welcomes creative and innovative ideas!

Every Sub-Fund honours women in some way. Some are named after a woman or a couple, others are established in their memory, or have a giving focus that honours a woman’s life, passions and contributions. All of them invest in creating a better world for women and girls.

How to apply

  1. Explore the Victorian Women’s Trust Sub-Funds page to find the fund which purposes align with your project. Each Sub-Fund has specific purposes that reflect the diversity of women’s experiences and support needs.
  2. Read the granting ethos and FAQs for helpful application tips.
  3. Submit an application.

Applications for the VWT Sub-Fund grants are open until 29 August 2022.

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